WERMA Signaltechnik: Optimising processes using intelligent systems
Text: Jessica Holzhausen I Photos © WERMA

W ERMA signal technology is the market leader in Europe, manufacturing optical and audible signal devices. The company has already established an industry-sector standard with its range of modular signal towers and offers three easy-to-retrofit solutions for process optimisation in general industry as well as logistics.
WERMA is an important innovator in the field of intelligent signal technology and today manufactures a wide range of optical and audible signal devices as well as intelligent systems for process optimisation for the general industry and logistics. Through networking of intelligent signal devices, these systems enable customers to generate durable process optimisation measures together with analytical tools in manufacturing processes, logistics and material handling and manual workstation applications.
StockSAVER, for instance, implements a third-generation kanban system for production logistics. It monitors the stock levels of FIFO flow racks as a signal point in the logistics chain. The data is transmitted wirelessly and displayed in the software, which is supplied with the WERMA StockSAVER package. “StockSAVER provides automatic material replenishment requests and eliminates the margin for human error and the need for line-side safety stocks,” says WERMA Sales Director Winfried Huber. Companies using StockSAVER will gain greater transparency concerning stock levels, explains Huber, and therefore “enable a significant reduction in the requirement for safety stocks to be held there”.
The second system worth mentioning is the WERMA SmartMONITOR. It is a simple, wireless-based retrofit solution for signalling and analysing the entire production area. “Our system is a smart solution for industrial companies looking for a way to quickly and easily gather reliable data to optimise their manufacturing processes,” explains Christian Höhler, Technical Director at WERMA. It delivers all relevant data for machines, systems and manual workstations easily at the touch of a button. Through optimisation and reduced downtimes SmartMONITOR allows companies to tap into their so far unused potential for growth, making the business more competitive.
Last but not least, is AndonSPEED, an intelligent call-for-action system which enables companies to optimise their processes in logistics. Unlike a traditional simple andon light, the intelligent wireless system from WERMA not only signals the disruption visually, but also documents and analyses the status changes precisely. AndonSPEED is the perfect solution for logistic workstations. Status changes are transmitted wirelessly from the workstation to a central control appropriate response team. The effective signalisation allows solving problems quickly, which effectively leads to more output per hour. Intelligent reports and analyses enable lasting improvements to be implemented.
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