Josephine Busch: Udo Lindenberg’s all-purpose weapon

Best known as playing the female lead role in Udo Lindenberg’s musical Hinterm Horizont (Beyond the Horizon), German actress Josephin Busch has just released her first EP. She talks to Discover Germany about playing in the theatre, her music, the love for Berlin and much more.
You are especially known as Udo Lindenberg’s all-purpose weapon as you do concerts with him, while also playing the lead role in his musical Hinterm Horizont. What is it like to work with a star like him?
J. Busch: It’s incredible to work with Udo because he meets each person eye-to-eye and gives one every trust in the world so that you can thrive and go openly and courageously on stage alongside him.
In April, you released your first EP Jetzt (Now). What is the song about?
J. Busch: The song is about the fact that many of life’s beautiful moments often just flash by. I sometimes have the feeling that I quickly want to turn on the slow-motion apparatus to point out to myself that the moment that happens now will be gone again soon. You can’t hold onto anything in life, you can just enjoy the moment. That’s what the song is about. What time is it? It doesn’t matter. There’s no yesterday, no tomorrow, only now!
What is the greatest thing about German music and German lyrics?
J. Busch: German music simply touches me much more directly because I feel each word, each pun and each emotion directly as a story and because I understand everything without the need for translation. It’s very personal to write in German. You have to watch out that the texts are very direct as they don’t forgive any carelessness. When artists like Udo or Marteria, who I’m a big fan of, achieve this, then this is simply the coolest.
At the moment, one can also see you as detective superintendent Lucy Elbe in the sixth season of Letzte Spur Berlin. What is exciting about this role?
J. Busch: I like how Lucy grows in herself and more and more finds into her job, while always keeping true to herself. She comes from humble conditions, is a true Berliner and always gives her best in her job, as well as in life.
If you had to decide between singing or acting? What would you prefer?
J. Busch: I can’t decide. Decision-making is not one of my strengths. For me, making this decision would be the same as abandoning one of my senses or one of my legs.
You were born in Berlin and still live in the city today. Why do you love Berlin so much? Could you ever imagine moving away?
J. Busch: I have my surroundings here, my roots. I can hardly imagine giving all this up. I like everything that this city breathes. There ought to happen something rather extreme to entice me away from Berlin.
What else is planned for this year? What can we look forward to?
J. Busch: This year will already be quite taken up by Letzte Spur Berlin and my music. At Udo’s tour in May, I supported him as a guest here and there. I want to play my own songs live this year and, since June, we also shoot the seventh season of Letzte Spur Berlin. Let’s see – if a great project comes up, I will be somehow able to do it as well (smiles).
Is there an absolute dream role that you would love to get? What other dreams and wishes does a Josephin Busch have?
J. Busch: I am still keen on many exciting roles that are yet to come. I obviously still don’t know them as they still get developed, but I would love to try everything out. I love love stories, dramas or historical movies, but a comedy would also really interest me. And I also want to stick with the theatre… yes, yes… turn on the slow-motion apparatus!
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