Kids Design

Parents, without a doubt, only want the best for their children. So, when it Comes to the design of stylish and safe nurseries and children’s rooms, Kids Design Zürich should be your first point of contact. Disappointed by the lack of availability of children’s furniture in Switzerland, Karin Grossenbacher founded Kids Design more than 15 years ago. “We were the first to offer a comprehensive choice of various designer furniture brands aimed at the particular needs of children,” reminisces Grossenbacher, member of Management and project planner, about the first steps of Kids Design which, apart from furniture, also stocks stylish children’s clothes. Aimed at customers who take conscious decisions about the interior of their home, Kids Design has initiated an unusual service: “Me and my business Partner Doina Jung from ‘Style your home’ have initiated our kids project and design Office to help our customers to find the perfect interior design for their child’s nursery,” explains Grossenbacher.
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