IFA 2016

Our lives are increasingly coined by fascinating technology. For example, one is now able toregulate a home’s heating with their mobile phone from afar. Or why not take gaming to the nextlevel with virtual reality devices? Whether for practicality or for fun, many German developers areworking meticulously to bring consumers more and more innovative products, devices and software. For those who want to have a look at the newest consumer electronics trends, this year’s IFA tradefair is probably the best option. From 2 to 7 September, the fair that is often referred to as the mostrenowned exhibition for consumer electronics and home appliances will showcase many innovationsand new products, from screens for fascinating HDR images, UHD films from the new Blu-ray Disc,glasses and cameras for virtual reality, safety, comfort and energy efficiency through smart networksto sensors for fitness and health, fascinating cameras, smart heating control, superfast 3D scanners,music streaming portals, diverse new headphones and much, much more.
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