Hannover Messe for integrated industry

When Hannover Messe opens its door on 25 April, some 5,000 exhibitors will be ready to give the visitors five action-packed days showcasing the latest technologies for factories and energy systems. In recent years Hannover Messe has become the world’s foremost trade fair in this sector as it continues to pave the way for Industry 4.0.
In 2016 the Hannover Messe will com-prise five different trade fairs ranging from industrial automation, digital factory displays, energy and industrial supply to research and technology. At its core, the fair will deal with topics like energy and environmental engineering, innovative subcontracting solutions, lightweight de-sign and research and development. The whole lineup includes exhibitors from 70 different countries and is the perfect breeding ground for new ideas and sus-tainable improvements. “In April, the world’s key drivers of industrial digital-isation will all be in Hannover – among them German specialists from the fields of mechanical and electrical engineering and the electronics industry, as well as leading U.S. software providers and Asian firms also focused on making industrial digitalisation a tangible reality,” remarks Dr. Jochen Köckler as the Deutsche Messe Managing Board member respon-sible for Hannover Messe. “This all adds up to promising new partnerships and business models on the road to the next industrial revolution.
”German chancellor Angela Merkel will open the show together with US Presi-dent Barack Obama, whose home coun-try is the event’s partner country for this year. It is the latter’s desire to present high-tech offerings ‘Made in the USA’ to the world. Among the US companies that will be present at the fair are big names such as General Electric, Microsoft and IBM. Furthermore, the US-based In-dustrial Internet Consortium (IIC) will be having its first ever display at the Hannover Messe.
In accordance with the lead theme ‘Inte-grated Industry – Discover Solutions’, the Hannover Messe will highlight promising opportunities for factory improvements in relation to digital technology. Includ-ed in these opportunities are solutions for the integration of energy through-out the whole production and supply chain. A true innovation of the Hannover Messe 2016 are the displays of over 100 real-world implementation examples of Industry 4.0. For Dr. Jochen Köckler, this is “an unparalleled achievement”. He says: “Hannover Messe 2016 will serve as a crucible for Industry 4.0 expertise from around the world. The show is soon to de-liver major gains for everyone who takes ‘Integrated Industry – Discover Solutions’ as an invitation to find out how digital in-tegration can help them gain and main-tain a competitive edge.”
Angela Merkel at Hannover Messe 2015
On a more political front, the Hannover Messe will also promote the TTIP free trade agreement. The organisation shares views of leading German industry associations and believes that the agreement will help growth and employment on both sides of the Atlan-tic. “The U.S. as this year’s Partner Country, German industry and their European part-ners are all intent on leveraging the fair to promote the TTIP free trade agreement,” adds Köckler. “We share the view of Germa-ny’s leading industry associations that the TTIP will promote growth and employment on both sides of the Atlantic in the fields of mechanical and electrical engineering and the electronics industry. With its focus on in-dustrial automation and energy and a strong lineup of some 5,000 exhibitors from 70 dif-ferent countries, Hannover Messe is the per-fect platform for transparent and construc-tive dialogue in support of the TTIP.”
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